West Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association Teacher Grant Program


The WMNLA Teacher Grant Program is a competitive grant program that will award grants of up to $500 to classroom teachers in our serviced counties; Ottawa, Muskegon, Oceana and Newaygo, during the school year.

Applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis. Projects that closely match the criteria detailed below will be selected for funding. The advisory committee has reserved $1500 to be awarded to classroom teachers. Grant requests for up to $500 may be submitted for projects and activities that enhance classroom learning and which require funds beyond those available through normal school resources. The WMNLA Fund has a special interest in projects or activities designed to give students a better understanding of the green industry, specifically, greenhouses, nursery and landscaping.

WMNLA Teacher Grant Criteria
– Grant requests must support education in the greenhouse, nursery or landscaping area.
– Grant requests must emphasize the critical need for the special projects to be funded.
– Grant requests must include the intended outcome(s) of the project, as demonstrated in student learning.
– Principal approval must be attained for each grant request to ensure an alignment of the project with focal areas and goals of the school.

Grant funds will not be awarded for the following: basic classroom materials, field trips that are not part of a planned educational unit or program, professional development conferences and supplies for student award programs.

Applications must be emailed to the WMNLA fund c/o Becky Cybart at becky@mnla.org. Applications are due by July 1st of the upcoming/current school year.

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